
Our team combines the expertise of Social Sciences with Urban Planning as well as Computer Science. We work at the Department of Social Sciences at Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf.

Tobias Escher
Foto: Tilman Schenk

Tobias Escher is Assistant Professor of Sociology and leads the research group. His research focuses on the effects of political participation for transformation and sustainability.

Katharina Huseljić
Foto: Tilman Schenk

Katharina Holec (née Huseljić) is a sociologist and focuses on the effects of public participation processes on legitimacy beliefs.

Laura Mark
Foto: Tilman Schenk

Laura Mark is an Urban Planner and investigates the effects of public participation processes on the content of planning decisions.

External Associates & Alumni

Julia Romberg
Foto: Tilman Schenk

Julia Romberg is a Computer Scientists that developed (semi-)automated procedures for the analysis of public participation processes within the CIMT project.